Bringing a new puppy home is such a new and exciting adventure, but potty training puppy can be a real pain if you have no idea where to start or what to do. Even more frustrating is when you have an adult dog that suddenly starts wanting to use your floors as a new spot to do their business. Well you’re in luck, because this article is here to help with all your worries and fears.
The best and most effective form of potty training puppy is crate training. I know, it’s hard to imagine leaving your poor puppy in a crate all day. However, this is very effective for potty training puppy. Dogs are natural den animals, and will always search out a spot in the house to make their “den”. A crate is perfect for this instinct. Dogs are also very cleanly animals, and like us, they don’t want to have to sit in their own waste. For this reason, you want to buy the smallest cage possible so that they aren’t using the bathroom in a far corner and just avoiding the corner. Once they’ve had to be in their own waste a time or two, you will notice puppy will start to whine or scratch when they need to go to the bathroom. Make sure you immediately let them outside as soon as this happens so that they will start to understand the concept. Also, it’s a good habit to clean the area thoroughly after each accident, as sometimes puppies think that they should keep going there because that’s where their scent is.
Puppy pads can be a great start for puppies or even an alternative for your adult dog. If putting puppy in a crate all day isn’t something you want to do, then the puppy will still need a designated place to pee. It’s also good for those winter months when it’s just too cold for some dogs to go out to pee. Puppy pads shouldn’t be a permanent solution (because who wants to clean that up all the time, right?) but to show puppy that there are designated spots to pee. And when they finally get that concept, you can start introducing them to the outdoors.
Having a consistent schedule for dogs is a real helpful tip as well. Walk them at the same time, feed them at the same time, and of course take them out for the bathroom at the same time. This ensures the dog knows to “hold it” because they will get to go out at a certain time. And if you can’t be there, hire a friend or someone trustworthy to walk your dog or feed them at certain times. Also, be sure to watch your dog or puppy’s food and water intake. The more food and water, the more bathroom breaks are needed.
A great way to ensure good habits is to watch your dog or puppy’s signals. Look for clues like pacing, whining, squatting, etc. Never make your dog wait if they’re showing signs of needing to potty. Also, positively reinforce their potty training when they do go outside. Give them a treat, clap, congratulate them, but mostly just make them feel special for doing something good. Never strike a dog, punish them, get angry and yell at them, or “rub their nose” in their waste. These things will only scare them away from potty training.
Always be sure to take your adult dog to the veterinarian first before trying any tips. You need to rule out any health problems first. Adult dogs can also become stressed and start having accidents to get your attention. In this case, it would be best to consult a behavioral therapist or eliminate what may be causing the stress.
These are just a few tips for potty training puppy and handling adult dog accidents. Crate training, puppy pads, routines, and watching their diet are all great ways to help your puppy or dog get outside and doing their business. As always, consult your veterinarian if anything seems unusual. I hope this article helps and good luck potty training puppy and adult dog!