Uricide Pet Odor Eliminator


(844) 400-0205


URI-CIDE 5 Gallons

Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $369.00.

Instantly Eliminate Pet Odors From Artificial Turf – Super 20X Concentrate. Makes 100 Gallons of Usable Product!!


Quantity discounts
1 2-3 4+
$369.00 $339.00 $309.00
SKU: UR5G Category:


URI-CIDE®’s synergistic blend of live bacteria is specially formulated for eliminating pet odors on artificial turf and outdoor carpet. The active bacteria in URI-CIDE® literally consumes and digests the odor causing pathogens until they are completely gone.

Our five gallon size is great for contractors, kennels, cleaning services and maintenance companies. Yields 100 gallons of usable product!  

Additional information

Weight19 lbs
Dimensions8 × 8 × 8 in
If you are a repeat customer do you require the hose end sprayer?